Complete and comprehensive solution for cranes and machines automation
Scanning systems for the warehouses management systems and volumetric measurements
Intelligent transportation systems
Engineering services


1D positioning

Radar Coke-oven

Positioning, anti-collision and identification systems work well in extreme industrial conditions, where the use of traditional measurement methods is impossible.

3D imaging radars

Radar 3D zones
    3D radars operating in Primary mode open up new areas of use in industrial environment. The use of this type of sensors makes it possible:
  • to detect objects and people (dangerous zones)
  • volume measurement (e.g., bulk materials)
  • position and height measurement (e.g., slabs)

Application examples

Systems which support WMS (Warehouse Management Systems)
Radars Gantry crane
Systems for technological process automatization
Radar Locomotive
Systems to support Bulk Material Management
Radar bulk materials
Crane Positioning Systems
Radar Gantry crane
Vehicle position detection
Radar cars
Anti-collision systems
Radar anti-collision
Collision warning systems for cranes
Radar anti-collision
Coke oven car positioning
Radar Coke-oven